Lexington, KY

Lexington, KY phone number-859-276-1767

The Farm Clinic’s equine division began specializing in horse pastures during the 1950’s when we began doing work on thoroughbred breeding farms in Lexington, Kentucky. Since then the equine division has grown to encompass over 250 horse farms across the United States, Europe, and Asia. Our goal is to optimize the nutritional balance on the grass to produce horses with good, strong bone and fewer developmental problems. We take into account not only the current fertility, but also the anticipated use, grazing pressure, importance of aesthetics, and other non-agricultural factors.

We are the most experienced agronomists in the equine industry having over 50 years combined experience walking and sampling horse pastures nearly every day.

We are the most detailed, taking 1 individual soil sample every 2 acres.

We are the most traveled. We have done work for horse pastures in 19 different states and 10 foreign countries. Being well traveled means being exposed to new ideas.

We sell no products only our recommendations. It doesn’t matter if a farm needs a little or a lot, our only goal is to help you raise a better horse.

All Row Crop and Equine Pasture soil samples are ran through soil testing analysis in Indiana.

Contact 765-659-1783